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If you ask someone if they are a sinner, their answer would quickly be, No! Irreguardless of how they live, whether moral or immoral, their answer will be the same. No one want to be called a sinner, because it some how represent bad. Being called bad gives the feeling of being no better than a murderer, thief, hoodlum, robber, or maybe a street drunk or drug addict. No one wants to be considered as being in the same categories with these. Why? Because they believe that people of this sort are really the sinners and not them. But I have shocking news for you. We are all sinners. This means that you are no better than the people you are putting down. We can only be saved from hell by believing, obeying, and trusting in Jesus Christ and His shed blood on the cross at Calvary [Roman 10:9,10]. Excepting Jesus is the only way to become saved. It is through Him that our sins are forgiven us. HERE'S SOME FACTS...
Remember when I said we were all sinners, no matter how good we are. Well, Roman explains it like this: [12] "Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passes upon all men, for that ALL HAVE SINNED:"This scripture is referring to Adam's sin in Genesis 2:16,17, and Genesis 3:6, when God commanded Adam not to eat of the tree of good and evil. The reason being that if he did, he would lose that perfect relationship with God. A relationship, where as, God provided everything for him.
Eve allowed herself to be tempted by Satan to eat of this tree. By the way, no one knows what this fruit was. It could easily have been grapes or any other fruit just as well as an apple, which so many associate with the Adam and Eve story. Any way, Eve gave this fruit to Adam and he ate knowing God commanded him not too. He disobeyed God, and thereby sinned against Him. Because of this, Adam fell from the grace of God. In other words, he lost that perfect relationship God and he once had. Adam now experience sin. He even tried to lie by tying to put the blame on Eve. But, God placed him in charge over woman, not the opposite.
Adam lost the perfect nature he once had with God, and took on a humanly good nature we all have, mixed with the evil he now inherited from Satan once he accepted Satan or let Satan enter into him. "SO WHAT'S HAPPENED HERE?" Well, because we all are offsprings of Adam, we also and automatically took on and inherited his sins. "Confusing? " Well let me try to explaine it like this. It's kinda like a gigantic blood line. For example, we are called cousins because we are of the same blood line started by our parents parents parents and their brother sister uncle aunt cousins cousins cousins. We even sometime inherit diseases and traits associated with this blood line. Family blood lines runs just so far in a family until finally it's done away with. Adam's sin works sort of the same way. Being the first man, he committed sin, so it is only natural that his sin be passed on into the next person person. "Right!" If not, then Adam and Eve would be living in sin and you and I would be living in a perfect relationship with God, "and you know that ain't happening!"
Marring well out of the original blood line can put an end to kinship, But only Jesus can put an end to sin. Once you except Him as the Son of God and your personal Savior, ask forgiveness for your sins, then and only then can Adam's sin and your sins end. You no longer have or is the same person with the old nature of sinning against God, but a new nature to love, obey and trust God through Jesus. You can do this because God through Jesus have given you His Spirit to Help you.
I hope you got this! - Oh! By the way! Just as Adam passed on sin, he also passed on death. You see, Sin brings death, so death is also passed on to every man [ meaning hell ]. Only Jesus can take away your sins and save you from hell. Roman 10:9 reads, "That If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. [10] "For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation." SO ADAM'S SIN IS WHAT MAKE US ALL SINNERS WHETHER YOU WANT TO HEAR THIS OR NOT. There is nothing we can do ourselves to change that, no matter how good we think we are. We need Jesus to be saved.
LET'S MOVE ON..... [17] "For by one man's offence, death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, JESUS CHRIST." Because Adam's sin brought death. Then believing, trusting, and obeying in God through Jesus will give us life. Eternal life, that is. Excepting Jesus is the only way we're going to enter Heaven.
NOW LET ME REPEAT MYSELF.... Because of Jesus we were pardon for our sins. That's what grace is, "a pardon." It's God loving us in spite of our sins toward Him. He had mercy and has mercy on us. He gives us chances after chances to except Him no matter how bad or how self righteously good we think we are. When we do, He then forgive us for our past sins. Any new sins we commit in the new body is forgiven us just by saying I'm sorrow, please forgive me. But we must not do it again because we no longer have the same nature we use to have. We have been born again and thereby have become a new person with a new nature. This nature is the nature of God called the Holy Spirit which now lives in us. We are no longer led by the natural wordly spirit, but by the new spirit of God.2 Corinthians 5:17, "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. "Let me finish up about mercy some more." Did you know that from the way we treat God, that is, the evil things we do right in front of his face is deserving of death. When people serve Satan, there're telling God I don't care whether you created me or not, I prefer Satan, who is out to kill me. Well you may laugh, but it's true. Satan hates you and everything about you. Read this. John 10:10, "The thief cometh not, but to steal and to kill and to destroy: [ but Jesus said ] I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. Satan wants to destroy you, but Jesus want to save you. Jesus want you live and have a good time in Him. Man! ain't that good news? Because of God grace and mercy we are given time to "REPENT."
I'm about to finish up here, but, I want to throw this verse in before we end, because I feel it's needed to further clarify what we'e been discussing.Roman 5:19, "For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteousness.."This scripture proves it. YThis is God talking, not me. Believe it and live, or disbelieve it and die. That is, be eternally seperated from God and the rest of us saints who will be living it up in Heaven with Jesus some day very soon. Roman 3:23, "For all have sinned, and come short to the glory of God."
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