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Many people are confused about their salvation. They are not sure if they are saved or not, And there's many who think they are saved. Being saved is not as easy as a lot of folks would have you to think. This is evidence by the life they live. I've witness Ministers, Deacons, Mothers, and Members engaging in all kinds of sinful things, from drinking to fonication, adultery, cursing, lying, and swearing, to playing the lottery. I see no different in their lives and that of the world, and frankly, neither does God. Why? Because they are still in the world, given in to the flesh as before. Their problem is that they have never been saved. Yet, they strongly profess God and frankly, does many good things for the Church. We find them playing pianos, singing in the choir, ushering, on deacon and mother boards, even behind the pulpit. They seem to be enjoying themselves, even inviting others to come join them.I've heard folks say, "it's easy to serve the Lord." Maybe the way they do it is easy. Many think all they have to do is go to church, jump and shout on certain signals, pay large amounts of tithes, smile, look nice, and that's all to it. These acts they think, qualify them to be called Christian. "Well, before I'm through, you'll know that's not true. Here's something else that really gets me. Have you ever listen to someone tell you, "we had one good time in our church last night. 50 people got saved. Some say, 200 people got saved. A real kicker is this one. "We had 1000 people get saved last night." This is being heard all around the counry. I don't doubt that some are getting saved, but not at these large numbers weekly. If so, there wouldn't be such an immoral deterioration in our country or around the world for that matter. I question this, because I know most are below the babe stage (1 Corinthians 3:1,2, and 1 Peter 2:2). That is, having very little to stand on. They do not know the power of Satan and therefore do not know how to defeat him. Satan will tear unlearned, unsure of, shakey, confused, left along babes, all to pieces. They need some weapons to protect them while they stand alone away from the flock (church). Sure, the Spirit is with them, but it's weak too. The only way to fight Satan is with living scripture inside of you, "the word." The Spirit is the word of God. It's power! Jesus used this power against Satan in the wilderness (see Matthew 4:1). This is your weapon to fight Satan too. Without it you have no chance of winning. If you don't know scripture, you can't use it. Scripture is your weapon of defense. Satan knows you know very little. After all, he's been watching and working in you all these many years. You can get back at him. With the word shooting fort from your lips or mind will put Satan to flight. Just like Jesus did. Satan can't hang around, he's gotta go ( James 4:7 - resist the devil ). I'll tell you more on this later. But first let me tell you this. When a pastor has an altar call, he should tell those who come forth and excepts God, that the sinful things they use to do in their lives cannot be a part of their life anymore. It only takes a few minutes for the preacher to give them something to consider now that they have a new Spirit. The following will seperate the true born again from the emotional tear jerker, faker and imposter. Anyone who do not abide by the following are not saved. Here,s some Examples not of Christ: Blues, rap, soul, rock & roll, blue grass, country, jazz, rythm and blues and all other type music not given God the praise must no longer be listen to or sang. I know there are some out there that will tell you there,s nothing wrong with listening to other music or a certain type of music. Don't listen to them! These are unsaved people who do not want to give up the world. Here's more bad stuff: Cursing, hate, loud mouthed, club going, drinking, doing drugs, shacking (unmarried living together), high school reunion where alcohol and Santanic music is played ( II Corinthians 6:14 - be not yoked together, be separate from unsaved people - this means not to deliberately hang out with them), ungodly family reunion (be ye seperated, see II Corinthians 6:14), private clubs or clubs (requiring rituals), belonging to lodges (too many Egyptian gods and works and rituals), be careful of your ungodly friends (choose Christian friends), etc.
Now I know I'm making some folks mad, and some are even giving me some bad looks, and frowns, even anger, I can just about see you. I can handle that, But if you think I'm hard, lets read what the bible says in II Timothy 3:1,"This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous(loving money, posession, wanting what someone else has, jelousy, etc.), proud, ( boasters (bragging on what you have or self, etc.), Blasphemers (disrespect for the authority of God), disobedient to parents, unthankful (never thanking God for what he's given you. Not thanking others for their help to you), unholy ( have nothing to do with God's word. unrepenting, self righteous, involvement into Santanic religion, psychics, gang bangers, and the likes), Without natural affection (care little or nothing at all for others), truce breakers (unforgiving), false accusers (liers), incontinent (without self control), fierce (full of violence), dispisers of those that are good (if you are saved you're going to experience this one), traitors (two faced, very dangerous, can't be trusted, adding lies to the gospel), heady (acting without thinking, rash, know it all, not involving others, has a temper, out of control), highminded (proud, look down on others), lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God (find more enjoyment doing wordly things than that of God. Putting your desires in front of God. Rather be doing something else than going to church, especially at times which interfere with your schedules). The bible say that these church goers "Have a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: FROM SUCH TURN AWAY." They are hypocrites!
I hope you don't turn away, cause this good stuff will help you be strong against Satan. How? Because it's in your memory. You know some of what God dislikes, so you work on pleasing him. I'm about ready to sum this up. I know you're getting tired by now, but I have two more very important scriptures to share with you. Galatians 5:16 says this, "This I say then, walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. Verse 19 says, Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these: Please my brothers and sisters, what I'm given you now I want you to pay close attention to.Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness (lustful) Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, sedition, heresies, envying, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: Now here is the part that a new Christian should keep in his memory. "of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which so such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. To be saved, you've got to honor this.
Now lets look at verse 22. By excepting Jesus and receving the Holy Spirit, these, the charcteristics of God should now manifest itself in you. It's call the fruit of the Spirit. This is part of the changing process from that old ugly self to that new person.But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. Work on and try to perfect these in your life and you'll be able to stand for God.
2 Corinthians 5:17 says, "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. You are a new person now, you cannot live that old life any more. Christ has forgiven you of your sins. He don't remember them anymore. He sees you as a son. There are benefits of being a son or child of God. He hears our prayers. We are in a family. God is our father and he will now take care of us. Whatever we desire of Him he said just to ask and he will give it to us. He'll do this for us, even help us to stand when things get hard, only because we are obedient to Him and love HimMatthew 7:6 - 11, 21:22. Remember, you can't alone live up to the scriptures I've given you. You need Jesus to help you. It's hard at first, but when you get there, the struggle will be worth the prize, the satisfaction, the peace you now and will enjoy, here now and in the New Jerusalem to come.
Heavenly Father help us to stand in a world overtaken by Satan. Give me strength to overcome his temptations and lies. Protect me and guide me. Protect my family, love ones and Christians friends and other in the faith. Bless us all in Jesus name... Amen.
If you are not saved but want to be. All you have to do is believe and confess with your mouth and believe with all your heart that Jesus is the Son of God and that God did raise him from the dead, you shall be saved. scripture is from Roman 10:9. Just say I believe. Forgive me of my sins, I am sorry I sinned against you. If you meant it, you are saved. Congradulation!