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Worthy Is the Lamb |
This, the 5th chapter of Revelation, opens with John telling us about a book he saw in God's hand. Revelation 6 will reveal what was in that book. This book in God,s hand is not the book containing the names of the righteous nor the sinners, but a book which will reveal judgement to come upon this earth. This is the 3rd event leading up to the Great Tribulation that is soon to come. The first being Jesus returning to John in a vision in the 2nd and 3rd chapter of Revelation concerning the disapointment he has of the Churches. He uses these 7 churches because they represents and reflects the overall condition of thousands of churches throughout the ages even unto our time. But the sad part about what Jesus had to say was that out of all the churches he sees and want to visit, he found only one, the Church of Philadelphia still continuing to hold on to God's unchanging word. The Church of Philadelphis was that few in the midst of thousands that Christ saw and came to. You see, Christ wants to come to us in our time of need, in our pain and sorrow, if we cling to him. If we hold on to our love for him. But we keep him at arm lengths away because of our own wordly desires, doctrinal, traditional and inventive ways of serving him. Churches being full of confusion and lies. Jesus looked down and in the midst of all of these churches, Jesus said he found only one worthy enough for him to enter into. You see, a worthy God can only come and abide by his Spirit, in a worthy soul which has accepted him and abides in him. Jesus said, "If you abide in me, I will abide in you."The next event was God calling John to enter Heaven to be shown things that were going to take place. Ain't you glad that as faithful childrens of God that one day a voice will sound out again. We want just hear any voice, But the mighty real live voice of Jesus that only the saints of God will hear. A voice that will shout out, but yet mello and sweet, "My bride! It is time. Awake and Come to me!Saints, come! I Thessalonians 4:16 say.For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord."
Are you worthy enough today to hear the call of Jesus? Are you worthy enough to pick up where Jesus left off and carry the banner of salvation to the lost? Are you and I worthy to enter Heaven? The answer is yes. Yes I am worthy because I have been washed in the blood of the Lamb. Jesus gave me access into heaven when nobody else could. That's why today we Praise him, because he is worthy to be praised.
John saw heaven from the inside. He saw and felt the beauty, great joy and serenity being in the presents and company of the four living creature and the 24 elders. He saw a beautiful sparkling auditorium floor of glass, shinning like crystal, as big as a sea before the throne. This is where millions even billions of saints will stand to sing and praise God. Were're going to enjoy the company of all the saints and angels one day.
The third event is when Judgement determined by God himself is at hand. It is a time for earthly judgement on disobedience man on earth, because of his out of control behavior of: drugs and sexs, murder, violent, haters of God, Homosexuals or gays, worshiping the beast, and immorality. In verse one of Chapter 5, is God holding the book of earthly Judgements, sealed tightly by seven seals. Verse 2, " a strong angel which could not open the book now put forth the challenge to anyone who thinks they are able to loose the seals and open the book. No one could be found worthy in heaven, in th earth or under the earth to open the book. Verse 4 says that John began to weep because no one were found worthy to open and read the book. The book was a creation of God that only a God could open. The book contain judgements for wicked man, but it also meant the reunion of the saints. It marked the beginning of a great wedding celebration which is about to began. Only Jesus, the Son Of God, the creator on man could, can and will real soon open the book and release the seals that's upon it.